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Why must you taunt us, Microsoft? First, you release one of the best games of 2006 to with no fanfare. Next, you package said game in one of the oddest looking, most childish packages in videogame history. [read more]
Here at Planet Xbox 360 we try to review games fairly but at the end of the day there is always going to be someone out there that doesn’t agree with our take on a game. Luckily this time we are pretty certain that most people who give Bioware’s new “RPG” a chance will walk away feeling the same way that we did, that this is one hell of a game and well worth the wait. [read more]
Namco will be releasing five new planes for Ace Combat 6 this week as downloadable content. One will be free, although the others will cost Microsoft Points. [read more]
Dynasty Warriors 6 has been given a release date and February 19 is the date next year that you can expect to see it on store shelves. [read more]
The 101st game to launch on Xbox Live Arcade has been revealed as Undertow, and we can expect it to arrive this coming Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday. [read more]
Planet Xbox 360 Community Forums
I thought the game play was kick ass, if I may use a technical term here. [read more]
ha ha :) [read more]
Is Giant Enemy Crab taken? Your motto could be: "deals massive damage" [read more]
I see a lot of tool and perfect circle on here. They are the same freakin band! Just like Temple of the Dog is the same as Audioslave. note: I didn't say they sucked or anything but they are the same. [read more]
I think they've been busy this last week, so they've put it aside for the week. Probably were playing too much Bioshock or something. :) I think this weeks will absolutely, positively, guaranteed to go ahead on schedule. Not a guarantee Boost [read more]