Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
- Publisher: Activision
- Developer: Infinity Ward
- Genre: Shooter

- Game Description: Modern Warfare 2 is the most anticipated game of 2009. It's a sequel to the best selling first person operated game, Modern Warfare. But Modern Warfare 2 goes right on with the heart stopping action as you, the player, dedicate yourself to eradicating a threat that is devoted to bringing the world to the edge of complete collapse. Modern Warfare 2, the newest instalment in the popular Call of Duty game series, has a musical soundtrack written by Academy Award, Golden Globe Award, Tony, and Grammy award winning composer Hans Zimmer. This game begins immediately after the events of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, a blockbuster game that has sold 14 million copies. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, made the Guinness Book of World Records for the most played online video game in history. It has also won Console Game of the Year, and 2007's Overall Game of the Year from the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences.
- 10,000 Exp in Splitscreen
- 2 Equipment Glitch
- 4 Person Boost
- Achievements
- Afghan Camping Spot
- Afghan Camp Spot
- Afghan Hedge
- Afghan Overwatch
- Afghan Sniper Montage Spot
- Afghan Sniper Spot
- Afghan Snipe Spot
- Afghan Strategy
- Akimbo Pistol Glitch
- Akimbo Visual Glitch
- Another Highrise Roof
- Another Highrise Snipers Spot
- Another High Rise Sniping Spot
- Another Highrise Spot
- Back Cabin Window
- Backfire
- Bailout Roofs (Stimulus Map Pack)
- Barber Glitch
- Barebones Boosting
- Boosting
- Boosting Lobby
- Boost Offline Characters
- Burger Town Hiding Spot
- Burger Town Hiding Spot - Alternate
- Care Package Killstreak
- Carnival: Camp Clown Face (Resurgence MP)
- Carnival: Climb onto Dodgem (Resurgence MP)
- Carnival: Crenellated Wall (Resurgence MP)
- Carnival Roof
- Carnival Spots
- Carnival UFO and Crushinator (Resurgence MP)
- Chopper Gunner Spawn
- Claymore Launch
- Cold Blooded
- Cold Blooded Pro
- Cold Blooded Pro Tip
- Derail Camping/Boosting Spot
- Derail Camping Spot
- Derail Spots
- Easier No Scope Hint
- Easier No Scoping
- Easy Highrise Sniping Spot
- Easy No Scope Kill
- Estate House Alternate Method
- Estate Juggernauts
- Estate Ledge
- Estate Ledge Expounded
- Estate Sniper Ledge in House
- Estate Sniping Spot
- Estate Spots
- Estate Takedown Help
- Evasion Completion Tip
- Evasion Glitch
- Fast Emergency Airdrop
- Faster L86 LSW Reload
- Favela Camping Tree
- Favela Hiding Spot
- Favela Mirror Death
- Find Chopper Gunner or AC130 Campers
- Flower Patch Spot
- Fuel: A Bit More (Resurgence Map Pack)
- Fuel Revisited (Resurgence MP)
- Fuel Spots (Resurgence MP)
- Get Past Sniper Fi on Veteran
- Gunner Boosting
- Hidden Church
- Hidden (Spec Ops) Out of the Map
- High Rise Building
- High Rise Crane
- High Rise Ledge Spot
- Highrise-Platform Camping Spot
- Highrise Roof
- High Rise Shooter
- Highrise Sign Sniping Spot
- Highrise Snipe Post
- Highrise Sniper Post
- High Rise Snipers Place
- HighRise Sniper Spot
- High Rise Snipers Spot
- High Rise Snipe Spot
- Highrise Sniping Area
- Highrise Sniping Place
- Highrise Sniping Region
- Highrise Sniping Spot
- Highrise Spot
- High Rise Spot
- High Rise Top of Roof
- Highrise: Under the Crane on Control Room
- Infinite Care Package / Emergency Drop
- Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo
- Invasion Building Spot
- Invasion Embassy Ledge
- Invisible Wall on Estate
- Karachi: Hanging by the Pool
- Karachi Hiding Spot
- Karachi Kill Spot
- Karachi: Leftovers
- Karachi Poles
- Karachi: Scale Southern Wall
- Karachi Sign Spot
- Karachi Spot
- Last Stand Pro
- Less Deagle Recoil
- Machine Gun Spot
- Modern Warfare 3 Easter Egg
- Museum Button Easter Egg
- Museum Easter Egg
- Museum of Claymores
- Noob Toob Setup
- No-scoping on Hardcore Mode
- Not Getting Caught Boosting
- Nuke Boosting
- Nuke Strategy
- OMA Help
- On Top of the Hut in Estate
- On Top of the Plane
- Out of Afghan
- Out of Afghan - Past the Radiation
- Out of Afghan Permanently
- Out of Hidden
- Out of Map on Terminal
- Out of Terminal
- Out of Wasteland
- Out of Wasteland - Alternate
- Overgrown Hidden Spot
- Overgrown Roofs (Stimulus Map Pack)
- Overgrown Spot (Stimulus Map Pack)
- Package Infinite Glitch
- Pit in SSDD Under 30 Seconds
- Play Dead
- Quarry Snipe Spot
- Quicker C4 Detonation
- Restart at Point of Death
- Rundown Cantina Roof
- Rundown Roof Extra
- Rundown Roof Spots
- Rundown Truck
- Rust Spots
- Rust Spots Extra
- Salvage Container (Stimulus Map Pack)
- Scrapyard: Easier Overwatch
- Scrapyard Overwatch
- Scrap Yard Plane
- Scrapyard Planes and Invisi Ledge
- Scrapyard Scraps
- Secret Ledge on High Rise
- Sentry but not Friendly
- Shield Boost
- Shoot from Equipment
- Silenced Shot in Killcam
- Skidrow: Northwest Corner
- Skyscraper Roof on Highrise
- Sniping Spot On Estate
- Special Op Cheat in Hidden
- SSDD Under 30 Seconds - Alternate
- Stop Nuke Boosters
- Sub Base Spots
- Sub Base Stuff
- Surviving Falls
- Surviving Nuke Tip
- Tactical Insertion Tactic
- Terminal Crate Glitch
- Terminal Fire and Wing Spots
- Terminal Hiding and Airdrop Spot
- Terminal Hiding Spot
- Terminal Multiplayer Gas Explosion
- Terminal Path Less Travelled
- Terminal Plane Glitch
- Terminal Plane Wing
- Terminal Snipers Spot
- Terminal Snipe Spot
- Terminal Sniping Spot
- Terminal Spot
- The Pit Three Stars on Special Ops
- Tip for Nuke on Terminal
- Top of Plane in Scrapyard
- Top of Plane on Terminal
- Trailer Park Dumpster (Resurgence MP)
- Trick Someone with TI
- Underpass Spots
- Upgrade Pistol Attachments Tip
- Wasteland Heli
- Wasteland Helicopter
- Wasteland Trees
- Wastleland Glitch in Bunker Wall
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