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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
  • Game Description: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the third part of this world renowned first person shooter franchise. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 begins where Modern Warfare 2 ended and you will take control of several new characers from a Russian Federal Protective Services agent, SAS operative, gunner and several characters from MW2. The game begins with the invasion of Manhattan bya Russion force and continues from there. And don't forget the multiplayer experience!

Proficiency List cheat for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on Xbox 360

Proficiency for Assault Rifles
Kick: Reduced recoil when firing.
Impact: Bullets carry more damage through materials.
Attachments: Two attachments can be added to a weapon.
Focus: Reduced flinch when hit.
Breath: Hold breath while aiming down the sights.
Stability: Reduced weapon sway while aiming down the sights.

Proficiency for Sub Machine Guns
Kick: Reduced recoil when firing.
Range: Increase the effective weapon range.
Attachments: Two attachments can be added to a weapon.
Focus: Reduced flinch when hit.
Melee: Faster Melee
Stability: Reduced weapon sway while aiming down the sights.

Proficiency for Light Machine Guns
Kick: Reduced recoil when firing.
Impact: Bullets carry more damage through materials.
Attachments: Two attachments can be added to a weapon.
Focus: Reduced flinch when hit.
Speed: Increased movement speed when using this weapon
Stability: Reduced weapon sway while aiming down the sights.

Game Name: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Cheat Name: Proficiency List

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