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Xbox360Cheats.com has everything you need to know about the Secret Achievements Xbox 360 cheat code for Clash of the Titans on Xbox 360. Plus we have have many more Xbox 360 cheats, codes, tips and glitches, updated daily!

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Clash of the Titans Xbox 360 Cheat - Secret Achievements

Clash of the Titans Xbox 360 Cheats

Game: Clash of the Titans
Publisher: Namco Bandai
Developer: TBA
Genre: Action Adventure

Clash of the Titans is set within the timeless world of the Greek myths. In Clash of the Titans, you're part of an epic battle between humans and the gods Zeus and Hades. You'll battle your way through amazing landscapes featuring mountains, swamps, and even the underworld. There are two modes, so that players can relive Perseus' adventure from the movie, or you can take on new bosses in some brand new adaptations of this great mythological setting.

Cheat for Clash of the Titans on Xbox 360: Secret Achievements

cheat name:

Secret Achievements

cheat: At Journey's End - 15 gamerpoints - Chapter 5: Clear "Face Your Destiny".
Dust Cloud - 15 gamerpoints - Chapter 4: Clear "Into the Fire".
Gods' Blood - 15 gamerpoints - Chapter 9: Clear "Disillusionment".
Secret achievement - 15 gamerpoints - Unknown.
Secret achievement - 20 gamerpoints - Unknown.
Survivor - 15 gamerpoints - Chapter 1: Clear "On the Home Front".
The Cursed King - 15 gamerpoints - Chapter 3: Clear "Calibos!".
The Edge of the Other World - 15 gamerpoints - Chapter 6: Clear "Scales".
The Fate of Argos - 15 gamerpoints - Chapter 2: Clear "Departures".
Those Who Fight Destiny - 15 gamerpoints - Chapter 8: Clear "A Human's Strength".
To the Fallen Temple - 15 gamerpoints - Chapter 7: Clear "The Gate Opens".
submited by: killr20
submited: Fri, 25th June 2010 05:09 AM

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