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Dark Souls II Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Dark Souls II
  • Game Description: Prepare to die yet again in the sequel to the notorious action RPG, Dark Souls. The hero, story, and world are fresh and new, but the gameplay remains as challenging as ever. Explore a world that has fallen into darkness, fight terrifying enemies that will bring you an inch away from death, and join others in a unique multiplayer mode.

Respawning Enemies cheat for Dark Souls II on Xbox 360

If you keep fighting enemies, their numbers will diminish and they will stop respawning. This happens when you’ve killed the same enemy approximately 10-15 times. You can respawn them by using a Bonfire Ascetic, which will also strengthen them.

Game Name: Dark Souls II

Cheat Name: Respawning Enemies

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