Dead Space Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Dead Space
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Developer: Electronic Arts
- Genre: Action

- Game Description: Dead Space is developed by EA Redwood Shores for Xbox 360. The central character of this game is engineer Isaac Clarke who plays the role of system engineer and goes for investigating and repairing the USG Ishimura with three security personnel and computer specialists. USG Ishimura is a mining ship, which comes in to the contact with a mystifying alien aircraft in Dead Space and it’s communication with the earth becomes cut-off. So, engineer Isaac Clarke is sent to patch up this communication gap. Necromorphs attack the crew of Ishimura. These monsters reproduced by reanimating departed human bodies, violating mutating and assimilating them to become one of their own. Now the mission of Isaac is now not only to repair the communications array, while he has to save the rest of the crew of Ishimura and to return the artifact to the planet at any cost.
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