Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat
- Publisher: 345 Games
- Developer: Pipeworks Software
- Genre: Fighting

- Game Description: Combining two Deadliest Warrior games: Deadliest Warrior: The Game & Deadliest Warrior: Legends, into one explosive package adding a massive artillery of weapons and special features, packed into one disc. Deadliest Warrior: The Game – Select from an extensive range of the most infamous warriors of all time and head into battle with iconic weaponry head to head with history’s mightiest fighters. Full of gory, break and slice of limbs and watch heads roll. Ruthlessly taunt the lifeless corpses that you beat whilst earning points to compete on a global scale to earn the title of “The Deadliest Warrior”. Featuring five modes of play, the game enables you to customise each warrior and offers detailed action segments and interactive gaming environments. Deadliest Warrior: Legends – the much anticipated sequel to the last top-selling game. Fight in the character of one of the greatest warriors in history such as Attila the Hun, Hannibal, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Hernan Cortes, Sun Tzu, Shaka Zulu, Vlad the Impaler, Joan of Arc and William Wallace. Special enhanced graphics and nine arenas provide new fighting options including pushes, grapple, ring outs, feints, projectile targets and final strike. Take control of the Battlefield Simulator from the TV show and fight as one of the nine warrior legends.
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