EndWar Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: EndWar
- Publisher: Ubisoft
- Developer: Ubisoft
- Genre: Strategy

- Game Description: Its 2016, the world is on the verge on a civil and economic breakdown, as it has been gripped by the most severe energy crisis in known human history. The crisis has grown to catastrophic proportions, which has forced many a government into an intense struggle for maintaining law and order. EndWar shows the future of world 10 years from now due to growing energy crisis. Around 2020, The United States, Russia and Europe are tussling with each other in a growing arms race. This Xbox 360 game’s story takes you into realistic tension-filled world order. All the super-powers have put a dozen ground-effect weapons satellites into orbits around the earth. Just one spark ignited the World War III, which everyone had tried hard to avert until now.
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