Eternal Sonata Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Eternal Sonata
- Publisher: Namco Bandai
- Developer: Tri-Crescendo
- Genre: RPG

- Game Description: Famous composer Chopin lying on his deathbed is drifting between current and the subsequent life. Breathing his last moments, he has this fantastic dream where he sees a beautiful young girl with a terrible destiny, facing trouble. There is this boy who is ready to fight all odds to save her. Smoothing between reality and his dream, Chopin realizes the divine light that shines within all of us. The light, which keeps shining through this enduring tale of love and betrayal, good and evil. Eternal Sonata available on Xbox 360 has been developed by Tri-Crescendo. It features the music of Chopin. Designed along a fascinating storyline and a pioneering action battle system, Eternal Sonata brings forth amazingly comprehensive 3-D graphics for pro-gamers.
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