FIFA 08 Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: FIFA 08
- Game Description: FIFA 08 takes you closer to the excitement, thrill and passion of your favorite game, soccer, even more than ever before. FIFA 08 matches the finesse, complexity and play of the real soccer. Football lovers can play this game on Xbox 360, with more user-friendly controls and social game play modes. Choose your club and elevate the level of your game to win many cups for your club.
Create Player Perfect cheat for FIFA 08 on Xbox 360
1. Go to Edit player and select a player you want to edit.
2. Go to catagories and select traits. Make sure ALL traits are UNselected. Then select "low determination" and "low concentration" ONLY.
3. Now Save and Exit.
4. Load your player back up but DO NOT do ANYTHING. Once he is loaded, save and exit again.
5. Load your player again and go back to his traits. You should see "Leadership" selected. UNselect that and REselect "low determination" and "low concentration".
6. You should now have a 1000exp extra.
7. Repeat this process to gain more exp. It will take approx 2 hours to make your created player PERFECT.
8. This process can be used on all your players...
Game Name: FIFA 08
Cheat Name: Create Player Perfect
Submited by: Darknal on Sat, 15th March 2008 09:41 PM