FIFA 09 Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: FIFA 09
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Developer: Electronic Arts
- Genre: Sports

- Game Description: FIFA 09 provides more realistic actions and reactions than any other game of the series which is meant for the Xbox 360. It is with the FIFA 09, by EA SPORTS, that one will get to turn their defenders with more control and ease and snap off shots with precision as this game has the improved shooting mechanics which is also a feature that has been included for the very first time. Now the passes can be more accurate than ever and all of this makes the football matches come to life - something that the gamer is going to enjoy a lot. This game has also been brought closer to reality by making the players react in accordance to their physical appearances and therefore now the robustly build player dominates when trying to get control of the ball and during collisions. The various theories of physics work here as well as the weight and height of the players determine the throws and shots within the game.
- 50 Million Achievement Tip
- Achievements
- Arshavin
- Big Name Players in Transfer
- Corners
- Custom 64
- Easy Money Manager Mode
- Easy Screamer
- Eat My Chip Achievment
- Eat My Spot
- Fling Yourself At It Walkthrough
- Free Expensive Players in Management Mode
- Getting Good Players
- Good Players for Manager Mode
- Good Players with Low Wages
- Got Swerve?
- Greater Signing Chance
- Handstand
- Huge Investments Achievment
- Huge Return Acheivment
- Judas Secret Achievement
- Keepers with 98 Rating
- Kwong Achievement
- Lots of Money in Manager Mode
- Making Great Players
- Manager Mode
- Manager Mode Dream Team
- Manager Mode Easy Achievements
- Manager Mode Easy Money
- Money Plus Dream Team
- Money Return Achievement
- Open Goal
- Perfect Celebration
- Powerful Free Kick
- Power Shot
- Score from 30 Yards
- Score from Half Way
- The Pursit Hint
- Transfer Tip
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