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FIFA 13 Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: FIFA 13
  • Game Description: A realistic experience of world-class football is captured in this game. Immerse yourself in the battle for possession of the ball across the football field and utilise your creative skills to attack your opponent team and defend territory. With five different innovations from the previous FIFA, ball control and tactics are brought to an all new level.

Penalty Shot Tips cheat for FIFA 13 on Xbox 360

If you get a penalty you should choose the person on your team with the highest PEN rating. Then you get the penality, hold down either RT or R2 to view your team and make your selection. Then just make sure you don't overpower your shot and always aim slightly upwards (not too much) as people rarely try and move upwards a little to save a goal.

Game Name: FIFA 13

Cheat Name: Penalty Shot Tips

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