Gears of War Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Gears of War
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Developer: Epic Games
- Genre: Third Person Shooter

- Game Description: If you want a game that blends tactical action with survival horror, then look no further than Gears of War, an Xbox 360 exclusive game. This is the story of humankinds epic battle against a nightmarish race of creatures called Locust Horde who have emerged from the bowels of the Earth. Your job is to lead war hero Marcus Fenix and his team in the onslaught on the Locust Horde. This is a revolutionary game with very high quality visuals ensuring you are captivated with this horrifying story of war and survival.
- Air Move
- Air Walk
- Automatic Roadie Run (online)
- Auto Roadie
- Auto Sniper
- Chainsaw Explosion Plus Moonwalk
- Chainsaw Walk
- Chainsaw Yourself
- Clock Tower Glitch #1
- Clocktower Glitch #2
- Cluster Luck
- Cluster Luck Chapter 2
- COG Tag Location List
- Corpser Boss
- Corpser Killing
- Crab Walk Glitch (after patch)
- Crab Walk on Rooftop
- Defeat Boomers at the Stranded's Stronghold
- Defeat RAAM on Insane Difficulty
- Easier Smoke Tag Glitch
- Easy 3rd Beserker Kill #3
- Easy Chainsaw Glitch
- Easy Way to Kill 3rd Beserker (Act 5) #1
- Easy Way to Kill 3rd Beserker (Act 5) #2
- Exploding Chainsaw Glitch
- Exploring Clocktower
- Exploring Tyro Station
- Float Back while Curb Stomping
- Float In Mid-Air Over White Cars (Gridlock Only)
- Flying on Mausoleum
- Flying Smoke Grenade
- Force Mount
- Fuel Depot Skydiving
- Get Into Ranked and Player Matches Faster
- Get into the Mansion Cellar
- Get Out of Bullet Marsh
- Get Out of Escalation #1
- Get Out of Escalation #2
- Get Out Of Mansion Level Online
- Get Raam Glitching
- Glitch to Kill Beserker
- Gridlock Crouch Running & Shooting Glitch #1
- Gridlock Face Easter Egg
- Gridlock Flying Glitch
- Gridlock Skydive
- Hold a Troika Glitch
- Infinite Smoke Tag Glitch
- Inside Escalation Fountain
- Invisible Guns
- Invisible Man
- Jumping Off the Train in Act 5
- Jump Longer Distances
- Jump Off Bridge in Canals
- Killing RAAM on Co-op
- Killing RAMM on Hardcore
- Killing the Berserker in Act 5
- Kill RAAM on Insane
- Kill the Corpser Tip
- Kung Fu Flip out of Gridlock (Online)
- Kung Fu Flips
- Kung Fu into Secret Escalation Room
- Middle of the Canals
- New Achievement Points
- On the Box in Fuel Depot
- On Top of Boxes in Fuel Depot (multiplayer map)
- On Top of the Box in the Warehouse
- Out of Subway
- Out Of Tyro Station (online)
- Rapid Fire Boomshot/Sniper (Gridlock)
- Remote Control Glitch
- Remote Control Glitch (Shotgun Chainsaw)
- Roadie Run with Shooting
- Rolling Outside of Gridlock
- Secret Gamer Pic #1
- Secret Gamer Pic #2
- Shoot Through Fuel Depot Trailer
- Shotgun Chainsaw (after patch)
- Silent Chainsaw Glitch
- Skydive in Gridlock
- Sky Dive on Gridlock
- Sniper Headshot Glitch
- Strategy: Killing General Raam
- Stronger Shotgun Glitch
- Tip: Act 1 Beserker & COG Locations
- Tip: Act II APC Level
- Tip: COG Tags
- Tip: Defeat Beserker on Train Level
- Tip: Easier Reviving
- Tip: Fixing Sniping Error
- Tip: Getting Points in Annex
- Tip: How to Kill the Corpser
- Tip: Killing Beserkers
- Tip: Killing Raam #1
- Tip: Killing Raam #2
- Tip: Killing Raam #3
- Tip: Killing Raam #4
- Tip: Killing Raam #5
- Tip: Killing Raam #6
- Tip: Killing Raam #7
- Tip: Killing Raam in Co-op
- Tip: Killing the 2nd Beserker Easier
- Tip: Killing the Corpser
- Tip: Killing the Corpser - Alternate
- Tip: More Hits with the Boomer
- Tip: Plug Emerging Holes
- Tip: Quicker Chainsaw Kills
- Tips for Fighting in Different Situations
- Tip: Shotgun Kills #1
- Tip: Shotgun Kills #2
- Tip: Sniping in Clocktower
- Tip: Steal Player Kills
- Tip: Unlimited Ammo on Act 2
- Toilet Easter Egg
- Torpedo Chainsaw
- Tyro Station Glitch
- Under Clocktower Bridge
- Under the Bridge
- Walking on the Cars in Gridlock
- Walk The Dog
- Weapon Slide
- White Cars Glitch
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