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xbox 360 news

Planet Xbox 360

New PGR4 Tournament Update Incoming

Bizarre Creations has revealed that their title update for Project Gotham Racing 4 is complete and will be released tomorrow on November 15. It contains a number of new tournament and game modes. [read more]

Soldier of Fortune Payback Ships

The Soldier of Fortune series debuts on the next-generation consoles with the release of Activision’s Soldier of Fortune Payback, which is now available at retail stores nationwide. [read more]

Dead Island Damage System Video

The developers of Dead Island have just released the official movie for the game, entitled "Multi Layer Damage System". You can check it out in high definition inside. [read more]

Three MX vs ATV Untamed Videos

THQ have released three new videos for MX vs ATV Untamed - two Opencross trailers and also a Vignette. [read more]

LEGO Star Wars Review

With separate games already released for the two trilogies making up the Star Wars universe, it may seem like the developers are 'cashing in' by offering a new package with all six episodes crammed onto one disc.  With the newly added Live co-op and versus modes, that is not entirely true; although, the buggy play leaves the unfortunate aftertaste of a game undercooked. [read more]

latest forum posts

Planet Xbox 360 Community Forums

Bioshock Demo Impressions - Front Page Feature

I thought the game play was kick ass, if I may use a technical term here. [read more]

List of Movies To See Before You Die (or go blind)

ha ha :) [read more]

Should I change my gamertag?

Is Giant Enemy Crab taken? Your motto could be: "deals massive damage" [read more]

Top 5 Bands

I see a lot of tool and perfect circle on here. They are the same freakin band! Just like Temple of the Dog is the same as Audioslave. note: I didn't say they sucked or anything but they are the same. [read more]

how come no podcast this week

I think they've been busy this last week, so they've put it aside for the week. Probably were playing too much Bioshock or something. :) I think this weeks will absolutely, positively, guaranteed to go ahead on schedule. Not a guarantee Boost [read more]

report bad cheat

Gears of War
Flying Smoke Grenade
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No, I didn't test it, but it doesn't work

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