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Electronic Arts have released a new high definition trailer for their sci-fi horror Dead Space. Check it out inside. [read more]
Everyone's favorite movie trivia game has made the leap from your coffee table to your 360. The million-dollar question is, even if you are one of the few that does not have a regular version, why bother with a console version that is going to run you an extra $20? Believe it or not, the goofy-looking big button controller is the answer. [read more]
DivX support on the Xbox 360 is something that a lot of people want to see, and thanks to a little blurt from the new CEO of video codec company, we have a little bit more fuel to add to the fire. [read more]
A Cello Trailer for Assassin's Creed has been released. It basically follows the hero through different settings in the game, while he fights the bad guys and runs around, all the while set to some music. [read more]
The people over at Bizarre Creations have released two new videos for The Club. First up is the tutorial video from the game, shown to all first time players, and secondly is the intro video. [read more]
Planet Xbox 360 Community Forums
I thought the game play was kick ass, if I may use a technical term here. [read more]
ha ha :) [read more]
Is Giant Enemy Crab taken? Your motto could be: "deals massive damage" [read more]
I see a lot of tool and perfect circle on here. They are the same freakin band! Just like Temple of the Dog is the same as Audioslave. note: I didn't say they sucked or anything but they are the same. [read more]
I think they've been busy this last week, so they've put it aside for the week. Probably were playing too much Bioshock or something. :) I think this weeks will absolutely, positively, guaranteed to go ahead on schedule. Not a guarantee Boost [read more]
Gears of War, an Xbox 360 exclusive that blends tactical action with survival horror, thrusts gamers into a deep and harrowing story of humankinds epic battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish race of creatures that surface from the bowels of the planet.
Lead war hero Marcus Fenix and his fire team as they race the onslaught of merciless warrior fiends.
A revolutionary tactical combat system and breathtaking high-definition visuals from the new Unreal Engine 3 immerse you in a horrifying story of war and survival.