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Goat Simulator Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Goat Simulator
  • Game Description: No longer fantasize about becoming a goat - you can live as one in this game and do everything you always wanted to... as a goat. No, seriously!

Minecraft Blocks cheat for Goat Simulator on Xbox 360

Search the locations described below to find the three Minecraft blocks.

Grass Block – From the blue half-pipe, look toward the two hills. Head to the one to the right. At the top, head past the boulders to your right and look at the cliff. The rotating green block should stand out.
Wood Block – From the carnival parking lot, find the dirt road near the time trial marker. The path should lead you to a speedboat. On the opposite side of the path from the boat, there is a tree. Look behind the tree to find the block on the ground.
Cobblestone Block – Head to the trio of windmills and then either jump or follow the path down to the cemetery. Search around the bottom of the cliff to find the last block.

Game Name: Goat Simulator

Cheat Name: Minecraft Blocks

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