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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
  • Game Description: Carl Johnson, who vanished due to the pressure of life that Los Santos put on him, reappears in San Andreas. He finds that the city is overrun with gangsters, drugs and corruption at every stage while his friends and family are almost doomed. Carl's life is made even worse in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas as he is also framed for murder to add insult to injury. You, as Carl Johnson slowly take back the streets and save family and friends in true Grand Theft Auto style. Take note that the cheats for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, that are listed below will work only for the Xbox 360 as the Xbox 360 does not have black and white buttons that were present in the Xbox original.

Dating Millie Perkins Tips cheat for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on Xbox 360

It took a few tries, but I finally found it: the place to take her on a lunch date.

First, whatever you do, do not take her to Burger Shot, Pizza Stack or Cluckin' Bell! She hates all 3 of those places.

I'd recommend taking her to this place called Steak House in Redsands West. It's the only place I know she likes.

I'll get back to you guys on anything else I find out about her that she likes on a date, so keep checking the comments in case I find anything.

Game Name: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Cheat Name: Dating Millie Perkins Tips

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