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Kameo Elements of Power Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Kameo Elements of Power
  • Game Description: Madden NFL 07 continues to be the number one football franchisee in Xbox 360 in its seventeenth installment. This game, with the exclusive arrangement between NFL and PLAYERS INC, is a vast improvement over earlier versions and the biggest improvement is in how much you can now control the game. In Madden NFL 07 version seventeen, you can step up as the lead blocker to create a hole and then take control of the tailback and smash through, overpower or even slash away your tacklers in the fight for every yard. The improved controls give you a superb ground attack featuring all new jukes; cut backs and also simulates the distinct running styles of the most popular backs.

Easy Way to Beat Thorn cheat for Kameo Elements of Power on Xbox 360

An easy way to beat the big troll king is to stay Thermite and assign the eye of resytoration. Just keep launching bombs at him and avoid the green things he send out at you. When he comes charging after you, arm your sheild and try to roll away. when he's low and Kalus comes out to help, quickly hit the start button, right away!! Then arm the eye of spirit, and make sure chilla is out. Then snipe her with your ice spikes. Then, you've beaten the game. Also, avoid the trolls Kalus sends out after you, try to hit them with bombs too.

Game Name: Kameo Elements of Power

Cheat Name: Easy Way to Beat Thorn

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