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Left 4 Dead Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Left 4 Dead
  • Game Description: Left 4 Dead game mainly focuses on teamwork and cooperation. Basically it is a first person shooter game and it is available for windows based personnel computer and Xbox 360. The Xbox 360 version of the Left 4 Dead has the same features and mode as PC version. Matchmaking system is also available for online game in this version. Colored outline of players are visible through walls that helps to control their movement. The player who is playing as a first person can take control of survivors. In advanced and expert modes of this game, friendly fire is turned on. Friendly fire is not activated in easy mode of the game. Quick menus manage the voice commands that help in communication between survivors. The whole game is divided in four scenarios and each scenario has been divided in several sections. "Boss infected" can also give some special command like the Tank's throw, Smoker's tongue-choke, Boomer's vomit and Hunter's pounce. With next generation, AI for survivors and superior graphics Left 4 Dead is set to revolutionize the gaming world.

The Jesus Room on No Mercy cheat for Left 4 Dead on Xbox 360

On Rooftop finale, kill all your team-mates for this to be easier.

After killing them go outside and go to the building with the satellite dish on it

Once you get there you must go to the edge with the ramp and door under it and kneel on the ledge.

After you have finished that look down at the door. The door is impossible to break open unless an infected breaks it.

After sitting there for a few seconds infected should be trying to hit you.

If they climb up to you (which they will) just hit them.

One will open the the door and then kill em all.

If you go in all the way to the back no infected or even tanks can get in.

This is very useful for getting achievements.

Game Name: Left 4 Dead

Cheat Name: The Jesus Room on No Mercy

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