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Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
  • Game Description: The infamous and extremely popular Metal Gear Solid series arrives on the Xbox 360 finally and you get to play the following three parts of the series on your console: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Each of the games are, of course, much enhanced and being delivered to you in high definition for the very much time! Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: Try and stop a highly deadly and technical weapon from falling into the hands of a mysterious group called Dead Cell. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater: The race is on to create the most powerful nation on the planet and your role is to go behind enemy lines and find out exactly what the "Metal Gear" prototype weapon on. This is where "Naked Snake" comes into the battle as you must use stealth and other abilities as best you can to carry out your mission objectives. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker: Set in the 1970s, parties from Costa Rica and Columbia are teaming up to bring chaos and destuction to the world. Once again you are Naked Snake and will need to use all your skills to carry out the tasks requested of you.

Ending Rankings (MGS2) cheat for Metal Gear Solid HD Collection on Xbox 360

You get given a different ranking each time you beat the game depending on the difficulty you used and how you performed while beating the game. Below are the different ranking combinations.

Bat - Normal Difficulty - Tanker: 1 alert, Plant: 2 alerts, Tanker-Plant: 3 alerts
Big Boss - Extreme Difficulty (Tanker-Plant) - Radar off, under 3hr clear, Damage: under 10.5, Shots Fired: under 700, under 3 alerts, 0 kills, 0 continues, 0 rations, 0-8 saves, no special items
Capybara - Normal Difficulty - Tanker: 5+ hours, Plant: 25+ Hours, Tanker-Plant: 30+ Hours
Cat - Very Easy/Easy Difficulty - Tanker: 25+ saves, Plant: 75+ saves, Tanker-Plant: 100 + saves
Chicken - Very Easy/Easy Difficulty - Radar: off, 250+ alerts, 250+ kills, 60+ continues, 31+ rations used, 100+ saves
Cow - All Difficulty Levels - Tanker: 50+ Alerts, Plant: 200+ alerts, Tanker-Plant: 250+ alerts
Deer - Normal Difficulty - Tanker: 25+ saves, Plant: 75+ saves, Tanker-Plant: 100 + saves
Doberman - Hard Difficulty (Tanker-Plant) - Under 3hr clear, under 3 alerts, 0 kills, 0 escapes, 0 continues, 0-3 rations, no special items
Doberman - Normal Difficulty (Tanker-Plant) - Radar off, under 3hr clear, Damage: under 10.5, Shots Fired: under 700, under 3 alerts, 0 kills, 0 continues, 0 rations, 0-8 saves, no special items
Eagle - Extreme Difficulty - Tanker: 18 minutes or less, Plant: 2hrs 45 min or less, Tanker-Plant: 3hrs or less
Elephant - Normal Difficulty - 31 Rations used
Falcon - Normal Difficulty - Tanker: 18 minutes or less, Plant: 2hrs 45 min or less, Tanker-Plant: 3hrs or less
Flying Fox - Hard Difficulty - Tanker: 1 alert, Plant: 2 alerts, Tanker-Plant: 3 alerts
Flying Squirrel - Very Easy/Easy Difficulty - Tanker: 1 alert, Plant: 2 alerts, Tanker-Plant: 3 alerts
Fox - Extreme Difficulty (Tanker-Plant) - Under 3hr clear, under 3 alerts, 0 kills, 0 escapes, 0 continues, 0-3 rations, no special items
Fox - Hard Difficulty (Tanker-Plant) - Radar off, under 3hr clear, Damage: under 10.5, Shots Fired: under 700, under 3 alerts, 0 kills, 0 continues, 0 rations, 0-8 saves, no special items
Gazelle - All Difficulty Levels - Tanker: 50+ Clearing Escapes, Plant: 100+ clearing escapes, Tanker-Plant: 150+ Clearing Escapes
Giant Panda - Extreme Difficulty - Tanker: 5+ hours, Plant: 25+ Hours, Tanker-Plant: 30+ Hours
Hawk - Hard Difficulty - Tanker: 18 minutes or less, Plant: 2hrs 45 min or less, Tanker-Plant: 3hrs or less
Hippopotamus - Extreme Difficulty - Tanker: 25+ saves, Plant: 75+ saves, Tanker-Plant: 100 + saves
Hound - Easy Difficulty (Tanker-Plant) - Radar off, under 3hr clear, Damage: under 10.5, Shots Fired: under 700, under 3 alerts, 0 kills, 0 continues, 0 rations, 0-8 saves, no special items
Hound - Normal Difficulty (Tanker-Plant) - Under 3hr clear, under 3 alerts, 0 kills, 0 escapes, 0 continues, 0-3 rations, no special items
Jaws - Hard Difficulty - Tanker: 50+ Enemies killed, Plant: 200+ Enemies killed, Tanker-Plant: 250+ Enemies killed
Koala - Very Easy/Easy Difficulty - Tanker: 5+ hours, Plant: 25+ Hours, Tanker-Plant: 30+ Hours
Mammoth - Hard Difficulty - 31 Rations used
Mouse - Normal Difficulty - Radar: off, 250+ alerts, 250+ kills, 60+ continues, 31+ rations used, 100+ saves
Night Owl - Extreme Difficulty - Tanker: 1 alert, Plant: 2 alerts, Tanker-Plant: 3 alerts
Orca - Extreme Difficulty - Tanker: 50+ Enemies killed, Plant: 200+ Enemies killed, Tanker-Plant: 250+ Enemies killed
Ostrich - Extreme Difficulty - Radar: off, 250+ alerts, 250+ kills, 60+ continues, 31+ rations used, 100+ saves
Pig - Very Easy/Easy Difficulty - 31 Rations used
Pigeon - All Difficulty Levels - No Enemies Killed
Piranha - Very Easy/Easy Difficulty - Tanker: 50+ Enemies killed, Plant: 200+ Enemies killed, Tanker-Plant: 250+ Enemies killed
Rabbit - Hard Difficulty - Radar: off, 250+ alerts, 250+ kills, 60+ continues, 31+ rations used, 100+ saves
Sea Louce - All Difficulty Levels - Beat the game with a Sea Louce in your inventory
Shark - Normal Difficulty - Tanker: 50+ Enemies killed, Plant: 200+ Enemies killed, Tanker-Plant: 250+ Enemies killed
Sloth - Hard Difficulty - Tanker: 5+ hours, Plant: 25+ Hours, Tanker-Plant: 30+ Hours
Swallow - Very Easy/Easy Difficulty - Tanker: 18 minutes or less, Plant: 2hrs 45 min or less, 3hrs or less
Whale - Extreme Difficulty - 31 Rations used
Zebra - Hard Difficulty - Tanker: 25+ saves, Plant: 75+ saves, Tanker-Plant: 100 + saves

Game Name: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

Cheat Name: Ending Rankings (MGS2)

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