Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Game Description: Continuing the story begun in Ground Zeroes, venture into Soviet-controlled Afghanistan under the code name of Venom Snake in a quest for revenge. Build up your base, keep your eye on the passage of time, and use stealth to sneak past your enemies across a series of open-world locations. Different strategies and possibilities give you more options than ever before in the Metal Gear Solid series.
You Stink Easter Egg cheat for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain on Xbox 360
If you go long enough without showering, characters will comment on it, and Ocelot will eventually throw a bucket of water at you.
Game Name: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Cheat Name: You Stink Easter Egg
Submited by: blinky on Wed, 02nd September 2015 08:32 AM
- Achievements
- Attack Tips
- Blueprints
- Buddies on Missions
- Cassette Tapes Guide
- Enemy Adapts
- Find High Ground and Mark
- Focus on Development
- Ground Zeroes Save File
- Hint: Chicken Cap
- How to Fast Travel
- It's Your Birthday!
- Keep an Eye on Costs
- Legendary Gunsmith - Customize Weapons
- Motherbase
- Quiet and Cover is Good
- Reflex Mode
- Secret Achievements
- Skilled Kills
- Soldier Skills