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Minecraft Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Minecraft
  • Game Description: The highly anticipated and widely popular Minecraft has finally arrived on everyone's favorite console - the Xbox 360. In Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition you can create entire worlds from home and choose to either build alone or with your friends. You are limited on by your imagination in Minecraft!

Nether Portal Without Diamonds! cheat for Minecraft on Xbox 360

Make the obsidian part of the nether portal with dirt one block higher than the ground.
Around it, put cobblestone.
Break the dirt and fill that space with water.
Next, get 14 buckets of lava minimum and put them where the water is.
Mine the cobblestone out and light the portal with a flint and steel.

Game Name: Minecraft

Cheat Name: Nether Portal Without Diamonds!

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