MorphX Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: MorphX
- Publisher: 505 Games
- Developer: Buka Entertainment
- Genre: Action

- Game Description: Don't you just hate it when aliens attack the earth, killing millions of innocent people in a matter of second? Longing to retaliate, earth leaders have tried nuclear weapons, but the aliens populate the earth, turning into a vast wasteland and sending the few survivors of the human race into the sewers, basements, and subways. There, the humans plan their revenge. In this action-drenched third person shooter game, MorphX puts players into the chaos of Moscow. Players form a new resistance movement, awakening in an alien laboratory with the tempting option of enhancing stamina and health by stealing alien DNA. The problem? It grandually turns people into monsters. Finding the antidote to the gene mutation and fighting the aliens, you can use the alien DNA, or you can collect a cache of weapons in an attempt to take down the alien enemies.
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