Perfect Dark Zero Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Perfect Dark Zero
- Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
- Developer: Rare
- Genre: Shooter

- Game Description: Perfect Dark Zero is an Xbox 360 exclusive game featuring Joanna Dark. Perfect Dark Zero is a prequel to the award winning first person shooter game, Perfect Dark developed by Rare. The background of the story is the war between shadowy corporations fighting for world domination. Joanna and her father Jack are caught in this battle for supremacy of the world. Joanna's destiny is changed during a routine bounty mission. You need to guide Joanna to become the perfect agent. Perfect Dark Zero has a fascinating story line and will take you deep into the world of corporate espionage and conspiracy. The game design and amazing graphics only add to the excitement of this game and promises to deliver a never before Xbox 360 experience.
- Airwalking
- Air Walking Urban Team Kill Count
- Combat Shield
- Dark Agent
- Death Portal
- Dirty Sniping Point
- Easy 1000 Headshots
- Easy Win In Eradication
- Enemy Spawn Room
- Get a Shockwave
- Other Side of the Desert
- Other Side of the Desert Alternate Method
- Sniping from Above
- Unlockable Weapons
- Unlockable Weapons (Detailed Guide)
- Up and Over Urban
- Up & Out Of Urban Alternate Method
- Urban Hotel Balcony
- Urban Safe Spot
- Xbox Live Gamerpoints
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