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Project Gotham Racing 3 Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Project Gotham Racing 3
  • Game Description: Project Gotham Racing 3 ushers you into a brand new world of super cars and a high definition era where you get to customize the game play, can drive any of the cars that you want to drive and you get to choose the road as well. This Xbox 360 game lets you win rewards and badges for what you dare to do and Project Gotham Racing 3 offers new custom races, new racing modes, community support and takes full advantage of the online facilities.

Easy Pro Racer Badge cheat for Project Gotham Racing 3 on Xbox 360

First complete any event with the Hardcore difficulty setting, using the transmission of your choice, (speed events with the Ferrari F50 GT seem to be the easiest).
Then change the transmission to manual, and the do the same event with the Novice difficulty setting. When you finish it, the game will think you used a manual transmission in the Hardcore difficulty setting and award you the Pro Racer badge.

Game Name: Project Gotham Racing 3

Cheat Name: Easy Pro Racer Badge

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