Rage Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Rage
- Game Description: Your ultimate goal in this game: Survive as the last remaining human on a mutant-run world. You must get and upgrade your vehicle, weapons and strategies in order to defeat the mutants who are out to get you amidst a hostile, apocalyptic environment. You must pit your mental and physical strength against the enemies who want nothing but your death and the complete annihilation of mankind.
Wolfenstein Room cheat for Rage on Xbox 360
While you are completing the very first mission in the game, called Ghost Hideout, you are killed and will need to make use of a defibrillator to bring yourself back to the land of the living (this is all part of a tutorial). After this happens you move to the next part of the mission of take care of some enemies there.
In thispart there is a TV. What you need to do is stand on the right hand side of it which will also place you in a corner. When you are positioned there press the interact button and you will open a secret door to a Wolfenstein themed room. Inside is a Wolf Goblet which can be sold for $150.
Note you can't get back into the room after finishing the mission! There are other rooms throughout the game like this one with Quake and Doom themes too.
Game Name: Rage
Cheat Name: Wolfenstein Room
Submited by: killr20 on Tue, 04th October 2011 07:23 AM