Raiden Fighters Aces Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Raiden Fighters Aces
- Publisher: Valcon Games
- Developer: Seibu Kaihatsu
- Genre: Action

- Game Description: The games Raiden Fighters, Raiden Fighters 2 and Raiden Fighters Jet are commonly known by every gamer. These games have introduced to the gaming world of arcade extreme difficulty, some never-ending secrets and devastating loss of wealth. Now, a new package Raiden Fighters Aces is available on Xbox 360 consisting of all these 3 games improvized with more new advanced features. In the configurable Training Mode, you can practice any stage of the game. You can enjoy the full screen mode and rotate the game play also. In addition, you can also post your super high scores in Xbox Live to boast to your friends.
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