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Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Rainbow Six Vegas 2
  • Game Description: Rainbow Six Vegas 2, sequel to Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas, is a first person shooting game. It tests the tactical acumen of the player as the player will take the lead role in the elite Rainbow squad in a quest to rescue the sexiest American city from a terrorist attack. The action is bound to be a never stopping one from the beginning to last. Logan Keller who played the lead role in the earlier version has been dropped and the new protagonist is the Bishop. The Rainbow Six Vegas 2 comes with character customization feature in multiplayer game mode. With much improved Havok and Unreal Engine 3, the teammate AI has gone levels up so that they cover each other while progressing forward in the combat action. With these new groundbreaking features and game play, the classic city combat action game is set to retain the top-selling videogame position in its genre.

Easy Assualt CQB and Marksman XP cheat for Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on Xbox 360

Go to the last level, showdown, and reach the checkpoint when you are hiding in the shed. To get the assault points walk next to the doorway crouch and make sure the chopper cant shoot you.

Look at the bottom of the sun and throw a grenade (frags are best suitable) when three guys come. When they all die you should get three assault points and it adds up to your experience on the bottom of the screen, when after the experience is done being added to the screen throw another and keep gaining three points at a time. When that one girl says she is 75 percent done run out into the tennis court and die.

To get cqb points is much harder. First get to the same checkpoint as above but throw a grenade kill the first three guys run to where they died and throw a grenade at the next three guys. When they die run up to where a bunch of guys spawn (a light machine gun is best) start unloading clips on all of the guys that respawn.

Warning: it starts to lag as the bodies build up. When the girl says its 75 percent done or you have to reload let the guys shoot you and kill you and start over.

To get marksman points all you have to do is run to the far end of the shed at the same checkpoint as before and shoot the guys in the head or get long range kills and once again, when the girl says its 75 percent done run into the tennis court and die.

Game Name: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Cheat Name: Easy Assualt CQB and Marksman XP

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