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Rise Of Nightmares Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Rise Of Nightmares
  • Game Description: Your nightmares will come alive in this new game from Microsoft Kinect. You will be asked to survive one long night of battling against hordes of undead opponents and lunatic scientists while trying to save your wife. Using the hands-free controls of Microsoft Kinect, you must wield knives and chainsaws plus use your bare hands to destroy your enemies.

Achievements cheat for Rise Of Nightmares on Xbox 360

Axe Chopper - 10 gamerpoints - It's good for more than chopping down trees.
Brawl King - 15 gamerpoints - Don't pick things up.
Brute - 5 gamerpoints - There is more than one way of opening a door.
Craftsman - 10 gamerpoints - Dismember a single creature while leaving it alive.
Creature Bomber - 15 gamerpoints - Burn baby, burn!
Creature Crusher - 15 gamerpoints - Kick'em to their doom!
Creature Executioner - 15 gamerpoints - Attacks from below are effective against creatures too.
Creature Fighter - 20 gamerpoints - You cannot always run from danger.
Creature Hunter - 30 gamerpoints - Defeat as many kinds of creatures as you can.
Creature Slayer - 50 gamerpoints - Leave nothing moving in your wake.
Creature Slicer - 15 gamerpoints - You need to lure them into their doom.
Destiny's Path - 5 gamerpoints - Cards of Insight.
Dismantler - 10 gamerpoints - It's easy to cut things down to size.
Ernst - 10 gamerpoints - Such fierce strength.
Fading Footprints - 5 gamerpoints - Forgotten Records.
Headhunter - 20 gamerpoints - They're creatures. It's okay.
Invitation to a Nightmare - 5 gamerpoints - This is where it all begins.
Iron Fist - 10 gamerpoints - Keep punching. Don't stop.
Knife User - 10 gamerpoints - Keep swinging that knife.
Lightning Reflexes - 20 gamerpoints - Demonstrate outstanding response time.
Limb Lopper - 10 gamerpoints - Plants aren't the only things you can prune and trim.
Mad Bomber - 10 gamerpoints - Keep tossing those tubes.
Multi-Hitter - 10 gamerpoints - Knock out more than one at a time.
Nice Gesture! - 5 gamerpoints - Try touching things.
Pipe-Layer - 10 gamerpoints - You can use tools too.
Sage - 10 gamerpoints - Let loose with loads of energy.
Scavenger - 10 gamerpoints - Take weapons from creatures.
The First Kill - 5 gamerpoints - Subdue your fear and confront the horrific.
Watcher - 5 gamerpoints - The actions of others are fascinating.
Weapon Master - 30 gamerpoints - Pick up every weapon you see.

Game Name: Rise Of Nightmares

Cheat Name: Achievements

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