Rogue Warrior Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Rogue Warrior
- Publisher: Zombie
- Developer: Bethesda Softworks
- Genre: Shooter

- Game Description: If you're looking for a story-driven shootout, Rogue Warrior is for you. It provides team-based tactical warfare set in enormous, continuous levels with Unreal 3 streaming technology. But unlike with other shooters, the players have the freedom to choose how to complete a given mission objective. This allows for creativity and unexpected events, rather than events that are just scripted. High level artificial intelligence allows characters to fight and react as if in real life. You can see and hear others, and then respond as a team. The Multiplayer mode offers a new experience with its combo of ten different modes. In this setup, maps are made using tiles selected by each team, which causes the number of possible maps to increase radically.
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