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Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
  • Game Description: Four various repetitions of Spiderman's worlds as written in comics represented with different characters.

Achievements cheat for Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions on Xbox 360

Ain't no stoppin'! - 50 gamerpoints - Defeat 1000 enemies.
Amazing! - 20 gamerpoints - Complete 4 levels with the highest rank in Hard mode.
Bug collector - 50 gamerpoints - Collect all Hidden Spiders.
Close call! - 10 gamerpoints - Recover 10 times from a Critical Fall.
Easy as pie! - 20 gamerpoints - Complete all levels on Easy.
End of Act 1 - 20 gamerpoints - Complete Act 1 on any difficulty level.
End of Act 2 - 20 gamerpoints - Complete Act 2 on any difficulty level.
End of Act 3 - 20 gamerpoints - Complete Act 3 on any difficulty level.
Enthusiast - 15 gamerpoints - Collect 250 Spider Emblems.
Fanatic - 20 gamerpoints - Collect 500 Spider Emblems.
Getting warmed up - 10 gamerpoints - Defeat 100 enemies.
Hard pressed - 100 gamerpoints - Complete all levels on Hard.
Hobbyist - 10 gamerpoints - Collect 125 Spider Emblems.
In the zone - 20 gamerpoints - Defeat 500 enemies.
Is this normal? - 50 gamerpoints - Complete all levels on Normal.
Lead on, M-Dubs! - 5 gamerpoints - Complete the Tutorial.
Manifest Destiny - 100 gamerpoints - Complete the Web of Destiny.
Missed me! - 20 gamerpoints - Defeat a boss on any difficulty level without taking damage.
Sensational!! - 30 gamerpoints - Complete 8 levels with the highest rank in Hard mode.
Smooth moves - 20 gamerpoints - Unlock all Combat upgrades.
Spectacular!!! - 50 gamerpoints - Complete 12 levels with the highest rank in Hard mode.
The complete package - 20 gamerpoints - Unlock all Character upgrades.
The Spider's bite - 10 gamerpoints - Keep Rage Mode active for one minute.
The Spider's grace - 10 gamerpoints - Complete a 2099 freefall section without taking damage.
The Spider's shadow - 10 gamerpoints - Complete a Noir level without triggering an alarm.
The Spider's web - 10 gamerpoints - Defeat 50 enemies using the Amazing Charge Attack.
Two hundo - 20 gamerpoints - Execute a 200-hit combo - except the Tutorial).
Uncle Benjamin - 10 gamerpoints - Execute a 100-hit combo - except the Tutorial).

Game Name: Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Cheat Name: Achievements

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