The Last Remnant Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: The Last Remnant
- Publisher: Square Enix
- Developer: Square Enix
- Genre: RPG

- Game Description: Developed and published by Square Enix for the Xbox 360 platform, The Last Remnant is a role-playing game featuring a all-new battle system known as “Turn-burst, command-based system using symbol encounters." The plot of The Last Remnant is based in a fictional world that comprises of several humanoid races. Remnants refer to various artifacts that were discovered during ancient times. These had various shapes and sizes with magical powers in them. These remnants have fuelled many a wars in the past and another one is brewing. It is a story of the war between the haves and the have-nots. The ones who have ruled the world through this power and the ones who were being ruled over. In this battle only The Last Remnant will stand the ground.
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