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Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
  • Game Description: The Xbox 360 game Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise takes back the gamer to the Pinata Island where Professor Pester and his men have destroyed computer records and have thus posed a threat to the parties everywhere around the world. Now you will have to rebuild the computer database and thus put a stop to the Professor's evil plan. Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise evokes the inner creativity and the imagination of the gamer and compels him or her to manage as well as trap the 100 different pinata species which live throughout the island.

Make Money with Chillis, flowers etc. cheat for Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise on Xbox 360

Plant 10 chilli seeds as close as you can in a circle.

If you get them close enough you only need 4 sprinkles of red fertilizer.

Then sell them for 400 each and use less money to grow them again. Can do 10 at a time in the store or till you run out of room from you seed bag.

Repeat this process with the rose seed and red fertilizer when you get it an d you'll get ( when fully grown) $1400 .

Repeat this with the orcid and the "special mix fertilizer" when you get it and it will be worth $1800.

This pretty much works on all fruits and veggies and plants but make sure you use the right fretilizer, blue with blue, green with green, etc, and if it makes the weird noise then you need to use the "special mix" bag.

Game Name: Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise

Cheat Name: Make Money with Chillis, flowers etc.

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