WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009
- Publisher: THQ
- Developer: Yuke's Media Creations
- Genre: Sports

- Game Description: WWE SmackDown vs RAW 2009 is the next dose for you of the best selling wrestling Xbox 360 game
- Achievements
- Boogeyman
- Chris Jericho Costume
- CMPunk Alt Costume
- ECW Layla
- ECW Tazz
- Get into the Crowd
- Hawkins and Ryder
- Hornswoggle
- Jillian Hall
- Ladder Powerbomb
- Masked Man
- Reheal as Big Show
- Rey Meysterio Alternate Costume
- Rick Flair
- Saturday Night Main Event Arena
- Snitsky
- Stacked Tables on Fire
- Steel Chair Dropkick
- Unlock DX Costume
- Vince McMahon
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