Warriors: Legends of Troy Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Warriors: Legends of Troy
- Publisher: Tecmo Koei America
- Developer: Tecmo Koei America
- Genre: Action

- Game Description: Warriors: Legends of Troy brings you the clash of two armies over home, country, and one woman's love. The world of Warriors: Legends of Troy goes back 3,000 years, when heroes were strong enough to stand up to an entire army and men sailed the world for love. Nobody hesitated to make sacrifices for their families, and facing the gods for preservation of honor was the way things were. Those warriors fought a war that shook the very earth. When Zeus ruled over the mortal and immortal, a truce between two cities quickly ignites a war that shakes Olympus to its core. The fate of both great armies could go either way in this game.
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