Watch Dogs Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Watch Dogs
- Publisher: Ubisoft
- Developer: Ubisoft
- Genre: Action Adventure

- Game Description: Chicago has the most advanced computer system in the entire world and today EVERYTHING is connected. In Watch Dogs you play the role of Aiden Pearce who is an excellent hacker and reformed thug who's violent past led to a family tragedy. He is now seeking revenge on those involved and will need to use the entire city of Chicago, along with its computer systems and all his hacking skills, as a weapon to reach his goals.
- Assassin's Creed Easter Egg
- Assassin's Creed Symbol
- Blackout Skill
- Child of Light Easter Egg
- ctOS Towers
- Escape or Ambush
- Getting Money
- Online Unlockables
- Opening Up the World
- Reputation Points
- Sanity Check Burner Phone Locations
- Saturday Night Special Achievement
- Singing Fish
- Spend that Money
- Stealth
- Trains are Good
- Unlockable Badges
- Unlockable Costumes
- Unlockable Skills, Bonuses and Perks
- Unlockable Vehicles
- Unlockable Weapons
- Valuable Skills
- Witnesses and Being Chased
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