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Xbox 360 Console Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Xbox 360 Console
  • Game Description: Xbox 360 is the perfect mixture of advanced technology and cool design, in which we find the excitement of next-gen gaming and entertainment. Xbox 360 is not only a step of advancement, but rather a revolution that smashes the barrier of linear and incomplete game play. Leave all your concept of indirect one-size-fits-all fun and release the clout human energy through the Xbox 360’s new mechanics that allows you to connect more closely to the game plots. The aspects of social interaction and unending possibilities in the surrealistic environments are all waiting for you to take control of.

More Avatar Hair Colors cheat for Xbox 360 Console on Xbox 360

Go on to the Avatar Editor and go on features, then put the Green box around the hair icon (but don't click on it).

Hold down left trigger and wait about 2 minutes until the hair icon spins. When you click on the hair icon it will do a special tune and then your Avatar will come up with pink hair.

Choose your style then choose a color and it will come up with the following colours: purple, red, burgundy, pink, light green, dark green, dark blue, light blue and more.

Game Name: Xbox 360 Console

Cheat Name: More Avatar Hair Colors

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