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xbox 360 news

Colbert Mocks Project Natal, Debuts New Xbox

No new hardware coming, eh, Microsoft? We can see it with our own two eyes. Can't you? [read more]

Kotaku: Ninja Gaiden 2 Stretches definition of "Only on"

Kotaku Writes: Ninja Gaiden 2 on Xbox 360 is labelled as "Only on Xbox 360". While Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 on Playstation 3 is labelled as "Only on PLaystation". Silly? You decide. [read more]

What Is It With Gamers and Naked Women?

PixelatedGamer.com writes, "The first story that got my back up this week was the images of naked Zoe from Left 4 Dead found here. Although skinning a character has been around forever, did we really need that? And more importantly was that news? No and no in my opinion, i was listening to the NG 'Cast today and they pointed out that a Tank was skinned to make it naked. That's fine, because that's funny, it's not news - it's just fine and it's funny. Now as for Zoe, it's not funny, we've seen it all before and if you think about it they're totally ruining the persona that character has within the story of Left 4 Dead. Obviously this is the game industry, there are so many gaming websites, some are bound to publish those images. Although that's still not acceptable, it is inevitable. Next minute so-called respected gaming sites like GameTrailers, Kotaku and Destructoid are writing about it, i'm sorry but it's pathetic. Surprise, surprise where was it on N4G, thats right, holding it's on at the top of the front page." [read more]

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