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Spong: "Remember at about 1:55 in the Lionhead video of Project Natal, Peter Molyneux (now creative director at Microsoft Game Studios) points out "This wasn't acted"? If you don't, the video is below. Well, maybe that particular moment of goggle throwing wasn't. What's interesting, however, is that Peter also points out (1:58) that "Everybody, every single person, that has experienced this reaches down (to catch the goggles that Milo throws)". Sure, this demo featuring uncanny Milo was obviously run hundreds of times with various staff members before being rolled out in front of the E3 crowds. That said, then, we can't be expected to believe that this is the first time that 'Claire' stood in front of the virtual lad. Something rankled... Fast forward to 2:36 on the video, where Claire (or Clare) plays with the water. The reflection of Clare on screen shows her arms in roughly the correct positions in respect to real Clare. The water seems to be moving based in her hand movements. However, keep watching to the point (2:37) where she appears to make a rippled appear on the left-hand side of the screen. Real Clare's arms are almost crossed in front of her. 'Reflected' Clare's arms are spread out. Even more startling is the fact that (see the screenshot) the ripple begins before Clare begins her gesture." [read more]
Forza Motorsport 3 game director Dan Greenwalt is proud of his game. More specifically, he believes that Forza 3 has surpassed all of the competition, most notably Gran Turismo. [read more]
G4 writes: "No doubt the major talk of E3 2009 was all about the motion-sensing technologies demoed by Sony and Microsoft at their press conferences. Microsoft's Project Natal's major selling point is full-body recognition and the promise of a controller-less game experience, while Sony's PlayStation Eye-powered motion tech aims to turn a single controller into any virtual item imaginable (i.e. swords, tennis racquets, whips, whiskey bottle, etc.)." [read more]