Ian Torny, who is Battlefield 3′s Community Manager, made an extremely helpful post on Reddit yesterday detailing exactly where DICE are at in terms of addressing, fixing or otherwise altering some concerns and other issues that players have put forward to them about Battlefield 3. The list is pretty extensive as you can see. What’s the biggest issue, bug or change you’d like to see addressed or made in Battlefield 3?
- In-Game VOIP – Known request. DICE is investigating
- Spawning on teammate who dies – Been seeing more about this lately. Have passed to dev team.
- Squads and Spawning (cont.): – Noted
- Minimap Changes – Known request. DICE is investigating
- Text Chat Window – Known request. DICE is investigating
- Score Screen/Between Games – Known request. DICE is investigating
- Fix Negative Mouse Acceleration – Known request. DICE is investigating
- Server crashes rob us of all points gained in those games; – Known issue. DICE is investigating
- Redesign Commo Rose – Known request. DICE is investigating
- Provide a visible number for mouse sensitivity, not just a slider bar – Noted
- Bring back Server Queuing – Known request. DICE is investigating
- Horns on vehicles! – Will be added in a future patch
- Colorblind support – Known request. DICE is investigating
- Jet shaking – How prevalent is this issue? I’ve only seen it come up recently and seems to be a latency issue.
- The way the current Flight Ceiling works is really jarring and frustrating.- Known request. DICE is investigating
- BattleRecorder would be nice – Agreed. Known request. DICE is investigating
- Standing near an ammo crate after deploying EOD bot or MAV destroys the currently deployed version – Can you rephrase this? I don’t understand.
- Same goes for mobile spawn- – I’m guessing this is balance related. If you’re going to chuck it down 90% of the time, then do so
I think that this allows people who have located the mobile spawn to put some suppressing fire on that spot and prevent the re-deploy. Either way – noted.
- Let us know when someone destroys our equipment! – Noted
- Accepting a revive shouldn’t require standing up – Known request. DICE is investigating
- When trying to join a game as a group, friends are often split to different teams. This should never happen – Known request. DICE is investigating
- Ability to set an FPS cap in – Noted
- Consider giving pilots of helicopters with no main guns -Noted
- Various Bugs, including but not limited to: frequent client crashes; locking aircraft not showing red box, but making lock sounds; inconsistency/difficulty getting knife/defib to register on target; C4 sometimes won’t detonate and instead deploys infinitely; claymores not properly detecting movement; stacked crosshairs (m320 crosshairs showing when primary weapon equipped); – All Noted
- Fix TV Missiles from Choppers – Known request. DICE is investigating
- Allow independent sensitivity/inversion settings for each vehicle – Known request. DICE is investigating
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Agree that pretty all of those issues need attention besides this one:
■Consider giving pilots of helicopters with no main guns -Noted
There already is a helicopter where the pilot has NO guns, its a transport heli, so 2 of your passengers can shoot but the pilot cant, and personally Iam a big fan of the Little Bird and hz-11 I think it is, and to take the guns away would be a terrible shame, I have tons of fun in the little choppers, but most of the time Iam stopped via stinger attacks ect, so I think it’s pretty balanced already, Please leave them alone….please
Spawn camping is probably my biggest gripe and the fact it can take 30 seconds or make to deploy when its really bad!