Call of Duty 3 Xbox 360 Cheats
- Game: Call of Duty 3
- Publisher: Activision
- Developer: Treyarch
- Genre: Shooter

- Game Description: Call of Duty 3 delivers even more intense combat than its predecessors. The Allies are on the Normandy breakthrough campaign as they intend to liberate Paris and proceed towards Berlin. In a seamless story, the gamers are thrust into the roles of four ordinary Allied soldiers - an American, a British, a Canadian and one of Polish nationality. You will experience authentic living battlefield scenarios and a variety of forms of combat. With high definition graphics, detailed character animations and explosive on-screen action, you will be part of the most immersive and intense war experience ever on Xbox 360.
- Achievements List
- Alley Jump Cheat in Fuel Plant
- Ammo Restocking
- Bazooka Jumps
- Eder Dam Glitch
- Eder Dam House
- Fake a Death
- Flying Trick
- Fuel Plant Furnace Hiding
- Fuel Plant Pipe Glitch
- Get Out of Fuel Plant
- Human Elevator
- Human Snake
- La Bourgade Motorbike Glitch
- Les Ormes Minefield Defense
- Les Ormes Roof Top (Alternate)
- Les Ormes tractor
- Mayenne Lorry Glitch
- Motorcycle Glitch on Fuel Plant
- Motorcycle / Jeep Cover Glitch
- New Mervill Rock
- Poisson Roof Cheat
- Purple Heart Achievement
- Roof at Eder Dam
- Roof of Les Ormes
- Shoot Through Hill at Poisson
- Suicide Cheat
- The Hill at Eder Dam
- The Rock at Merville
- Tip: Auto Hold Sniper Breath
- Tip: Hot Potato Achievement
- Tip: Increase Rep
- Tip: Sniping Spot at Eder Dam
- Underneath Eder Dam
- Unlock All Levels
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