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Xbox360Cheats.com has everything you need to know about the Achievements Xbox 360 cheat code for EndWar on Xbox 360. Plus we have have many more Xbox 360 cheats, codes, tips and glitches, updated daily!
Analysis: Microsoft have made an outstanding success of this generation of game consoles. However some of the things they have been saying recently are very worrying indeed. Are they starting to lose their way? [read more]
The ESRB has released a rating summary detailing the Mature rating for Nier (also known as Nier Gestalt) for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. [read more]
Critical Gamer writes: Casey Hudson, Executive Producer of BioWare's Mass Effect franchise, took a short break from the trenches to tell Critical Gamer what his team was most excited about and proud of regarding the company's highly anticipated end of January release, Mass Effect 2. "Probably the biggest enhancement that we've made for Mass Effect 2 is simply the moment-to-moment feel of the game. It's faster, smoother, and more precise, and that makes the whole experience that much more exciting and immersive." The game feels more like an action game. Gameplay seems as if it has been sped up considerably, which almost makes the player believe they are playing a game developed by Cliff Bleszinski, rather than a traditional BioWare release. [read more]
TheWiredGamer: "A price war has once again erupted between Walmart and Amazon, and Xbox LIVE gamers are eating it up... Grab the 12 Month Xbox LIVE card for only $30 over at Amazon or Walmart right now! The 12 Month Gold card can be used for new accounts or to add 12 months of online goodness to existing accounts." [read more]
Its 2016, the world is on the verge on a civil and economic breakdown, as it has been gripped by the most severe energy crisis in known human history. The crisis has grown to catastrophic proportions, which has forced many a government into an intense struggle for maintaining law and order. EndWar shows the future of world 10 years from now due to growing energy crisis. Around 2020, The United States, Russia and Europe are tussling with each other in a growing arms race. This Xbox 360 game’s story takes you into realistic tension-filled world order. All the super-powers have put a dozen ground-effect weapons satellites into orbits around the earth. Just one spark ignited the World War III, which everyone had tried hard to avert until now.